Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Wise Tagline Once Said: Life is for Living

Don’t read the title yet, because it’s a major plot twist in this story.

Yesterday was one of my more crippling-depressiony days: I ran out of milk, bit my tongue, and found out that Law & Order had been cancelled two months ago.

“I swear”

Naturally, I decided to kill myself. So down I went to Bob’s Noose and Prescription Painkiller Shoppe, but alas, it’s closed on Wednesdays. This made me more depressed, and therefore, in a cruel twist of fate, more suicidal.

I wondered if my choice was a bit brash, so as I walked, I looked for a sign to show me I was wrong about the meaninglessness of life. At the corner, a tough gang-banger helped an old woman onto the bus; across the street, a man pulled a baby from a runaway stroller, saving it from a speeding truck; in front of me, models handed out free tickets to the blowjob booth at AdultCon. Nope, I couldn’t find a single thing to compel me to give life one more shot. Off a-suicidin’ I went.

But then, salvation appeared to me, in the form of a bus stop poster for the upcoming Zac Efron film, Charlie St. Cloud:

Specifically, salvation appeared as the tagline on this poster, “Life is for living”. Never before had I heard a mantra for existence put so elegantly. It was simple, yet, philosophically, as deep as Zac Efron’s emerald green eyes. Just four simple words: Life. Is. For. LIVING. Mind you, I have no desire to actually see Charlie St. Cloud. From everything I know about the film (see above poster), I assume it’s a cross between The Notebook and Smallville, minus Rachel McAdams and superpowers (basically, the only two things I will watch, read, or join a message board for).

I’ve spent countless hours with this picture.

But I do owe a “thank you” to Charlie St. Cloud: The Poster for giving me a new lease on life. The least everyone who reads this can do is go and buy a ticket to Charlie St. Cloud: The Movie.

Plus, Ray Liotta’s in the movie, so hopefully, it won’t be totally gay.


  1. Very funny! Can't wait to read more. Keep them coming!

  2. Agreed! This is hilarious and I am very much looking forward to future blogs.

    *Ray Liotta made Wild Hogs a breakout hit, so I think you're right about the impact he'll have on Charlie St. Cloud.
